Archive for the ‘Cindy Whitmarsh’ Category

THAT’s what a lunge is supposed to look like?

Oh, my.   I know I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

I started with a little Cindy, well, I thought it was going to be a little. Her “Tank Top Arms” starts out quite deceptively. And then progresses into the the depths of despair with abs. Oh.My.Goodness. I died.

60 Jumping Jacks

Then 10 lunges, each side. So I thought, “Are these standing lunges, or where you walk and lunge? Let’s YouTube it.” First Mistake.

According to that, I’m not sure I’ve done a real lunge….ever? And how to people do those super quickly but correctly?

Anyhow, I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

Days 13 – 14 – 15/30

And you thought I fell off the wagon!  Pshaw!  I didn’t!  I just didn’t ever sit down and write about it.

So this will be quick. 

Sunday, Day 13 –  MiddleMan and BabyBoy wanted to go for a walk while Daddy and Peanut were off stuffing Easter Eggs (and that’s a whole nuther story…).  So I got out the stroller, MM got out his scooter, and we headed off.   I expected a “once around the pond” 1.2 miles.  But no!  He didn’t want to go all the way around because “that would take too long!”  So I let him lead the way.  We zig zagged through the  ‘hood, stopped at a friend’s (not home), petted about 7 dogs, took a picture by a patrol car (“Mom!  I’ve never been so close to a police car!”) and finally made our way home.    MapMyRun figured it at 2.56 miles, so I think that counts as 30 mins, although it took about 70!

Monday, Day 14 – I did S.I.S’s trifecta with Ms. Whitmarsh.  Oh, my aching buns.  Yes, I was N&S when done.  😉

Tuesday, Day 15 – Private Practice was the show of choice.
2.6 miles in 46 mins, 1.5% incline and speeds from 3.0 to 3.6 

Boo yah!  I’m half way done.  Honestly, I feel great!  I can’t wait to see what the last half of the challenge brings me!

Day 9/30

Hey, I’m almost  1/3 of the way through this challenge!  How cool is that!

I took a page from the S.I.S. today and did her Cindy Series.  Actually works out to about 35-40 mins I think.

The Booty, the Guts, and the Guns.  😉

Starting the week out right!

I got up to do the 2-mile Family Walk with Leslie.  But they must have cut out portions because the time at the bottom wasn’t matching up with real time.  And about 2 mins into the 2nd mile, we were starting to cool down.  😦  Disappointing.

So I did my 6 pack with Cindy!  Ah.  She always kills me in the last two minutes!

Just not in the mood..

I just wasn’t in the mood to see Jillian this morning.  Or do jumping jacks

So instead, Cindy and I hung out.  And by hung out, I mean work out, and by work out I mean groan and sweat.  Can I just say how much I hate doing the bicycle move?  UUUUuuuuggggghhhhh..